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Crazy life

Wow, where has the time gone? Things have been busy here. Work has been really busy for me, and our personal life has been busy as well.

My husband and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary mid-May by going to Asheville, NC. We had a blast touring the Biltmore Estate and the Blue Ridge Parkway.

The following weekend, we went on our first camping trip of the year with some friends we hadn't seen in a while. The kids had a blast, but they were confused with the lack of hikes. One asked "what hikes are we doing today?" and another asked "so Mom, what hikes do you have planned for the day?". We were going on day canoe trips, so no hikes that trip.

We had a weekend at home, the kids finished school for the year, then Marcus and I headed up to Duluth, MN to bike back to the twin cities to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis. This is a very fun 150 mile bike ride for such a good cause.

Finally, last Wednesday, I flew solo to Bozeman to spend some time with family and friends. It was a fun trip, but the last month plus have been quite a whirlwind.

Upper left, Crabtree Falls, Marion, NC, Upper right, stopping along the bike trail for a picture, lower left, Pine Creek Falls, Livingston, MT, and lower right, morning steam on the Black Forest River, WI.



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