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National Park Trip 2024
Pipestone, Badlands, Wind Cave, Jewel Cave, Devil's Tower and Custer State Park

During this trip P was almost 9 almost 10, T was 8, and V was 5 almost 6.


We were so looking forward to this trip. We ended up with July due to two events in June and in August, making impossible for us to do this trip those months. This trip was derailed from the start, but we pushed through and ended up making the most of it. Spoiler alert, it involves our van breaking down several times.


This trip was exhausting, and we missed a lot of what we had planned. Though there were tears, we managed to have fun, not  fight, and ended up having a lot of fun. 


​Trip Dates: June 15 - June 28, 2024


Total cost of trip: $2,906.99

This includes; gas, lodging at five different campgrounds, groceries, eating out, souvenirs, fees for activities.


Total miles: 3,273


Learn how our trip went: coming soon.


Day 1 - June 15

7:00 a.m. - Leave house drive to Badlands National Park
7 hours 30 min (add 1 hours 30 min for stops) = 10 hours


7:00 - 9:30 a.m. - Jeffers Petroglyphs - 27160 County Road 2, Comfrey, MN 56019 - 116 miles | 2 hour 30 minutes

Opens at 10:00 a.m. - skip if we would arrive too early


10:00 - 10:30 a.m. - Tour Jeffers Petroglyphs


10:30-11:50 a.m. - Drive to Pipestone National Monument - 36 Reservation Ave, Pipestone, MN 56164 - 72 miles | 1 hour 16 minutes


11:50 - 1:30 p.m. Tour Pipestone National Monument & Lunch Stop. Lunch packed in easy cooler.


1:30 - 4:20 p.m. Drive to Rest Area in Chamberlain Lewis & Clark Welcome Center, SD - 179 miles | 2 hours 39 minutes


4:20 - 6:20 p.m. - Drive to Cedar Pass Campground, Badlands National Park - 142 miles | 2 hours

No check-in time


Dinner - Dinner on the way or precooked frozen fried rice


8:30 p.m. - Sunset


9:00 p.m. - Evening Program - every night


9:30 p.m. - Night Sky Program - every night

Day 2 - June 16

Stay at Cedar Pass Campground, Badlands National Park


5:03 a.m. - Sunrise


Breakfast - hard boiled eggs & muffins


8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Visitor Center Hours


Suggested Trails

  • Notch Trail: 1.5 miles

  • Window Trail: 0.25 miles

  • Door Trail: 0.75 miles


Lunch - picnic lunch: Crackers, small container of peanut butter, beef jerky, ice tea, dried fruit, hummus, veggies


1:30 p.m. Fossil Talk

Location: Fossil Exhibit Trail

Duration: 30-45 minutes


Rest at camp


​Dinner - Mongolian Broccoli Beef


8:30 p.m. - Sunset - drive to an overlook for sunset


9:00 p.m. - Evening Program - every night


9:30 p.m. - Night Sky Program - every night

Day 3 - June 17

Stay at Cedar Pass Campground, Badlands National Park

5:03 a.m. - Sunrise


Breakfast - pancakes, bacon & eggs - cook extra bacon for lunch. Maybe cook tortillas for lunch.


Drive Badlands Loop Road, overlooks and hikes​

Lunch - Copycat Avocado Wrap

Suggested Hike: Cliff Shelf: 0.5 miles

​Dinner - Indian Tacos at lodge or Hot dogs, carrots, mac & cheese


8:30 p.m. - Sunset


9:00 p.m. - Evening Program - every night


9:30 p.m. - Night Sky Program - every night

Day 4 - July 18

Stay at Cedar Pass Campground, Badlands National Park


5:04 a.m. - Sunrise


Breakfast - Hard Boiled Eggs & Muffins


9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Drive to Stronghold Unit - 53 miles | 53 minutes

10:00 - 10:30 a.m. Visit White River Visitor Center: hours 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


10:30 - 11:00 a.m. Ranger Program


Lunch - picnic


​​Drive back to camp - 53 miles | 53 minutes


Dinner - Indian Tacos at lodge or Hot dogs, carrots, mac & cheese


8:31 p.m. - Sunset


9:00 p.m. - Evening Program - every night


9:30 p.m. - Night Sky Program - every night

Day 5 - June 19

Departing Cedar Pass Campground for Elk Mountain Campground, Wind Cave National Park

5:04 a.m. - Sunrise


Breakfast - Eggs, sausage, & Hashbrowns


Pack up camp


12:00 - 12:15 p.m. - Drive to Minuteman Missile National Historic Site Visitor Center - Visitor Center Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


12:15 p.m. - picnic lunch​


1:00 - 1:30 p.m. Visit the visitor center


1:30 p.m. Drive to tour site


2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. - Minuteman Missile Tour


3:00 - 5:00 p.m. - Drive to Elk Mountain Campground, Wind Cave National Park - 127 miles | 2 hours, 5 minutes

Campsite 29 - B Loop

Check-in time: 1:00 p.m.


Dinner - Turkey burgers, Pasta Roni, and canned green beans


8:31 p.m. - Sunset

Day 6 - June 20

Stay at Elk Mountain Campground, Wind Cave National Park


5:04 a.m. - Sunrise


Breakfast - Cheerios & Fruit


8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wind Cave Visitor Center


Tour Visitor Center

Walk to Wind Cave's Natural Entrance




11:45 a.m. Drive to Mammoth Dig Site - Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.  14 Miles | 24 minute drive


1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Family Dig


1:45 - 3:00 p.m. Mammoth Dig Site​


Get Groceries


4:00 - 4:30 p.m. Drive back to camp


Dinner - Grilled Cheese, tomato soup, potato chips, and baby carrots


8:31 p.m. Sunset

Day 7 - June 21

Stay at Elk Mountain Campground, Wind Cave National Park


Clothing for the day:

  • Closed toe shoes

  • Sweatshirts

  • Layers, the cave gets cold


Breakfast - Oatmeal


Pack lunch - picnic: Hummus, club crackers, cucumbers, baby carrots, apples, peanut butter in small container, knife


9:30 -10:05 a.m. - Drive to Jewel Cave National Monument - 30 miles | 35 minutes


10:10 a.m. - Arrive at Jewel Cave National Monument and check out the visitor center. Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.


10:40 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Jewel Cave Scenic Tour


12:00 - 12:30 p.m. Eat snack or lunch


12:30 - 1:00 p.m. Drive to Crazy Horse Memorial (if up for it) - 19 miles | 27 minutes


1:00 p.m. Eat Indian Tacos or picnic lunch if haven't eaten yet & tour Crazy Horse


Drive back to camp 26.4 miles | 35 minutes


Dinner - Beef stroganoff

8:32 p.m. Sunset

Day 8 - July 22

Depart Elk Mountain Campground, Wind Cave National Park


Breakfast - Cheerios


9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Drive to Bell Fourche River Campground - 126 miles | 2 hours 14 minutes

First come - first serve


Lunch at campground - Panini, chis, apples, and pickles


Hike around Devil's Tower


Dinner - Hamburgers


8:32 p.m. Sunset 

Day 9 - June 23

Bell Fourche River Campground, Devil's Tower National Monument


5:05 a.m. - Sunrise


Breakfast - Pancakes, eggs, sausage


Hike Devil's Tower


Drive to Bell Fourche, Center of the Nation 52.4 Miles | 1 hour


Do laundry if needed


Dinner - Turkey Chili


8:32 p.m. Sunset​

Day 10 - June 24

Depart Bell Fourche River Campground Drive to Sylvan Lake Campground, Custer State Park


5:05 a.m. - Sunrise


​Breakfast - eggs


Pack up camp


10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Drive to Sylvan Lake Campground 115 Miles | 2 hours 6 minutes

Check- in Time: 12:00 p.m.

Site: SL03E




Suggested Trails:

  • Sylvan Lake Shore Trail: 2.8 miles

  • Spur Trail to Little Devil's Tower: 3 miles

  • Sunday Gulch Trail: 2.8 miles


Needles Highway to Hill City in the afternoon

Big Smokey the Bear




8:32 p.m. - Sunset

Day 11 - June 25

Sylvan Lake Campground, Custer State Park


5:06 a.m. - Sunrise


Breakfast: any breakfast food left over


Hike to Black Elk Peak - bring lunch: 7 miles


Needles Highway to Hill City in the afternoon* if not done the day before

Big Smokey the Bear


7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Drive Needles Highway to Mount Rushmore



8:32 p.m. - Sunset​

Day 12 - June 26

Depart Sylvan Lake Campground for Game Lodge Campground, Custer State Park


5:06 a.m. - Sunrise​


11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Drive to Game Lodge Campground

Check-in Time: :00 p.m.



Dinner - spaghetti 


7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Drive Needles Highway to Mount Rushmore

20.6 miles: 48 minutes

Visitor Center


8:32 p.m. - Sunset​


9:00 -9:45 p.m. Mount Rushmore Evening Show


9:45 - 10:30 p.m. Drive back to camp via Keystone - 30.7 miles | 45 minutes

Day 13 - June 27

Game Lodge Campground, Custer State Park


5:06 a.m. - Sunrise​


Breakfast - cheerios and fruit


8:45 -9:06 a.m. - Drive to Blue Bell Stables


10:00 - 11:00 a.m. - One hour Trail Ride


Lunch - picnic


Drive Wildlife Loop back to camp


Dinner - 


8:32 p.m. - Sunset​


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