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Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Theodore Roosevelt NPs
Trip Itinerary 2021

During this trip P was 7, T was 5, and V was 2 almost 3.


When my then boyfriend, now husband, drove with me to Bozeman so I could go to college, we visited Yellowstone National Park. It was the second National Park I'd been to, and his first. While I lived in Bozeman, I visited the park several times, though I never stayed in the park. I'd either make a day trip of it, stay at a Eagle Creek Campground in Gardiner, or Canyon Campground. I took Marcus to the boiling river the first time in February 2005 when he was visiting and we stayed in Chico Hot Springs Hotel. We even made a day trip to to boiling river February 17, 2007 where Marcus proposed right in the river! My grandmother lived north of Gardiner, so we usually head back that way to stop by to visit. She was the first person we visited after we got engaged.


All of my kids had been to Montana at a very young age. My oldest was turned 4 months old in Montana. I had taken her solo to visit with friends and family. My son turned two weeks old in Montana. Marcus, P, T, Max and I, drove to Montana and met my sister and her husband there and were able to visit with family and friends. I brought V out there solo when she was 10 months old. On all of those trips, we didn't go to Yellowstone, we wanted to wait until they were old enough to remember.


So we were extremely excited to make this trip happen. My uncle still lives north of Yellowstone, so we chose to enter and exit that way so we could maximize our time with him. That's also why we chose to camp in Canyon Village. That way if he wanted to join us for a day, it wouldn't be a long drive. We also had some time in Bozeman to visit with friends and old co-workers.


We could have easily stayed another night or two in Yellowstone to see more of the park. Next time we go, we'll stay on the other side of the park because we saw a lot more of the east side this time.


Trip Dates: July 9 - July 19, 2021


Total cost of trip: $2,178

This includes; gas, lodging (three different campgrounds, two hotels), groceries, eating out, souvenirs, groceries, and

fees for activities such as shuttle boat & museum.


Learn how our trip went!


Day 1 - July 9

We decided to see how far we could make it this day and didn't book  a hotel for the night. While driving we thought we could make it to Mile City, MT, but when we called ahead, everything was booked. So we ended up staying in Glendive, MT.

Day 2 - July 10

Drive from Glendive, MT to Emigrant, MT. Lunch with family.

1:00 p.m. - Check-In for camping at Canyon

Day 3 - July 11

6:00 a.m. Quick breakfast

Breakfast: Cereal, Coffee Milk

Leave camp and drive to Grand Teton National Park


Grand Teton/Yellowstone Lake Suggested hikes:


Jackson Lake Lodge - Lunch Tree Hill - 0.5 miles

Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center Murie ranch hike - 1 mile

Jenny Lake - Hike to Hidden Falls

-Take the shuttle boat over

-Then 1 mile to Hidden Falls, maybe also Inspiration Point

Moose Ponds trail by Jenny Lake - depending

String Lake to Leigh Lake - 1.8 miles

Colter Bay - hike Swan Lake Trail 3 miles

Colter Bay Visitor Center - Lakeshore Trail


Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches and humus and veggies

peanut butter, bread, jelly, hummus, bell pepper, baby carrots, cucumber, pineapple, crackers

West Yellowstone on way back as time allows


Dinner: Chili & hot dogs

Hot Dogs, hot dog buns, ketchup, mustard, frozen chili, coke, milk or juice 

Day 4 - July 12

Breakfast: Pancakes,

Blueberries, pancake mix, bacon


Fishing Bridge - West Thumb

Fishing Bridge

  • Pelican Creek Nature Trail - 0.5 miles

By Bridge Bay

  • Natural Bridge 2.5 miles

West Thumb Geyser Basin


Grant Village - Madison

South of Madison Junction

  • Old Faithful

  • Sentinel Meadows 2.8 miles

  • Fairy Falls - 3.2

  • Biscuit Basin - Mystic Falls - 4 miles


Area Canyon Village - Madison


Dinner: Hamburgers

Ground Beef, hamburger buns, pickle, chips, peas - frozen

Day 5 - July 13

Breakfast: Pancakes:

Blueberries, pancake mix, bacon


Tower-Roosevelt - Mammoth Hot Springs

East of Mammoth Hot Springs

-Forces of the Northern Range Trail - 0.7 mile


Lunch: Sandwich meat

Roast beef, crackers, pepper jack cheese, watermelon


Dinner: Mongolian Beef and Broccoli

Day 6 - July 14

Breakfast: Cereal and eggs

Cheerio’s, eggs, cheddar cheese, onion, bell pepper, breakfast sausage, milk, hot chocolate, coffee


Pack up camp and head out


Mammoth Hot Springs if haven't gotten to it yet.


At Chico Hot Springs Poolside Grill with family


2:00 p.m. - Check-in at Bozeman Hot Springs Campground


Shower and swim


With  Friends in Bozeman

Day 7 - July 15

Breakfast: Provided by Bozeman Hot Springs Campground


Grocery Shopping


Stop on campus


Lunch: Picnic lunch


1:15 p.m. - Museum of the Rockies


Back at camp and swim time


Dinner: Spaghetti


Back to swim


Day 8 - July 16

Breakfast: Granny's Donuts


Lunch: Picnic lunch

Drive around town and visit some old spots


Back at camp and swim time


Dinner: Soup with bread​


Pack up camp and ready to leave the next day

Day 9 - July 17

Breakfast: Granny's Donuts


Visit with friend & her family


11:30 a.m. - Head out of Bozeman


Dinner - At restaurant in Dickenson, ND


Stay in Dickenson, ND

Day 10 - July 18

Breakfast: Quick Snack


7:00 a.m. - Drive to North Unit of Theodore Roosevelt NP


11:30 a.m. - Picnic lunch​


Drive to South Unit of Theodore Roosevelt NP​


Stay at Cottonwood Campground in South Unit of Theodore Roosevelt NP

Day 11 - July 19

Quick breakfast and head home

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